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The Denver Ballet Guild is a non-profit, volunteer-run organization that has supported dance arts in the Colorado community since 1979.  We directly impact the community through outreach programs that benefit Colorado youth.



President: Caroline Rodawig
President-Elect: OPEN
Past President: Allison Dodge
Recording Secretary: Anne Slucky
Treasurer: Katy Brown
Treasurer-Elect: Chrissy Fedorowicz
VP Community Enrichment: Kelli Fisher & Katy Truitt
VP YDC: Karen Crossman
VP Fundraising: Cari Spiecker
VP Marketing: Katie Grassby & Allison Dodge
VP Membership: Merry Logan
VP Showcase: Janet Hayes & Katie Grassby
VP Social: Julia Porterfield


Register Here for Spring Luncheon

The annual spring membership meeting will be held on April 16th. at Cherry Hills Country Club.  At this meeting current members will elect 2025-2026 Officers and vote on proposed Bylaws Changes.

The proposed Bylaws changes are available below:

DBG Redlined Bylaws 

2025-2026 Slate of Officers

President: Caroline Rodawig

President Elect: Julia Porterfield

Past Presiden t: Allison Dodge

Recording Secretary: Anne Slucky

Treasurer: Chrissy Fodorowicz

Treasurer Elect: Open

VP Community Enrichment: Kelli Fisher

VP YDC: Karen Crossman

VP Fundraising: Cari Spiecker

VP Marketing: Allison Dodge

VP Membership: Anastasia Fett

VP Showcase: Open

VP Social: Merry Logan

Upcoming events

P.O. Box 2656 Littleton, CO 80161

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